WELCOME Sweet Karlee!!!

WELCOME Sweet Karlee!!!

The Family

Karlee Kay Watts

Karlee Kay Watts
Born 12/31/09; 7 lbs, 3 oz; 19 1/2 in

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Casey's 1st Birthday!!!

Well, I can't believe it happened, Casey is 1 years old today. Wow what a milestone! How the time flies when you're chasing a baby. I haven't been able to download pictures yet but they are coming. We celebrated by having cake. Casey has 6-7 teeth now and starting to bite a bit. He is taking a few steps but, he prefers to crawl, he'll be smarter they say. His first tooth broke through on October 20th, the day before Skyler's 8th Birthday. His first word was "Hi", he kind of pronounced it like "HA!" Other words he says are: Dada, DD (or Doggy), Mumumu (or Mommy). Skyler is such a big helper and growing way too quickly. We miss you all and hope to see you soon. Happy Birthday Casey!!!

Watch for upcoming pictures...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just catching up!!

Well to catch you up to date. We are officially out of the Winnebago for the winter, YEAH! We got into a 2 bedroom home on an acre. I have 4 pigme goats and will have 2 chickens soon. We have large 60+ foot Tamarack trees (large pine trees) in our backyard. We feel truely blessed. Thank you Jesus!!!

Here are some pictures

Well, time has flown by I haven't had a dull moment since we left Utah and it has been 2 years since we moved to Jackson. I can't imagine what we have missed. The family has moved away and come back and I am still gone. I feel like I should be there in Utah but know that God has something big for us while we are here. I am not sure where we will end up next but it is nice to know that we will be settling in Montana for a short while.

My online album is full, if anyonw has any ideas on where I can store my pictures so I can publish them on the blog let me know..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Casey's a growin' And Skyler ain't slowin'

Here is Skyler trying our his flying in the wagon. I had to have him reenact it for me to take pictures. He is such a creative kid always trying something new.

Casey is a hoot! This is how he drinks from a cup, by sticking his whole face in the cup til the liquid reaches his mouth.

Here he is drinkin' milk, as you can see he gets right into the cup, he pauses in that position while he gulps it down, then comes up for air. The whole process is quite time consuming. I have to hold onto the ccup real tight or he gets too excited and knocks it out of my hands.

Here is Casey fixin' (well, maybe eatin') the tire on the Jeep. he is getting so big and climbing on everything.

I made the mistake of giving Casey a chocolate cookie, but the biggest mistake was dippin' it into milk before handing it to him. It basically melted into his mouth and face in onw quick shove. See for yourself. He got a sugar rush then he crashed pretty hard.

Here is the kids at our friend Panda's birthday party, Casey just loved the decorations and the kids said that this was the funnest party ever! Casey just couldn't get ahold of the balloons.

Here is Skyler and Casey playin'. Casey's shirt got stuck on his head so I just tied it there. It was pretty cute, at the end you can see that they both got worn out! Skyler is such a great character.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sky in the sky!

Look there's a bird... There's a plane... Nope, there's Skyler in a plane.

Today Skyler had his first experience in the air in a little four passenger airplane at the Red Eagle Aviation's annual Young Eagles free flight day. Skyler got to experience the Flathead valley in Kalispell, Montana from the sky. He got off and felt a bit dizzy, but said he had a blast. I think that his stomach might have had a hard time with the G forces. Here are the pics

Monday, September 1, 2008

Casey in Skyler's eyes

Here is Casey, as Skyler takes pictures of Casey in the car. Mom doesn't even know these pictures are here until I go to put them into the computer. Hope you enjoy them.

Skyler has the most fun playing with Casey as his little toy, brother, he loves to make his laugh and cry. Mostly he just loves having him around to entertain. As you can see, they both have fun in the process.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Remember When...

I read this on my sis' blog and decided I would do it too...because I'm really interested in hearing what people remember or think about when they 'remember' us...I'm going to issue the same challenge to all of you who are reading this.

Here's what you do:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Have fun and play fair...

Then there were three....: Blake is 6 months old!!

Then there were three....: Blake is 6 months old!!

Check out Diana's (my sis) blog with the link above...

Cowboy Church

We had a little Montana experience! As cowboys, Skyler and his friends had a taste of what Montana could be like, only IF for a day, as cowboys. just a fun day for kids this past Saturday. Enjoy the photo's...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here we GROW!!!

Wow! It seems like yesterday I was changing Skyler's diapers and now he is going into second grade and almost taller than me (Jill). Here is Casey's first experience of feeding himself. I think he enjoyed it way too much! Then he got really upset. It was a blast to watch him have at it like this.

Here is more of Big bro and little bro hanging out together. How they enjoy each other. Skyler can really get Casey rolling in laughter, it is great to see them love each other sooo much!

We went to the fair and watched a concert (Jeremy Camp) a Christian rock band, then Skyler rode the scrambler. It was dark but you can make it out a little. He is quite the adventure seeking child and he loves a good carnival.

Here is Casey's standing up all by himself, he did attempt it once before, he tried to pull himself up next to the boat while it was on the ground at the concert on the lake. I put him next to this toy to play with the parts that he could reach, he wasn't satisfied with the lower portion of the toy and just had to see what was up above. He is so strong.

We wanted to go and find huckleberries last Sunday, but we wanted to save gas so we parked at a lower spot and went for a hike. we didn't get high enough to find the berries but we did find out that there is a lot of mountains in Montana. The view that we ended up with was incredible. Here are some of the flowers and berries that we did find on our hike.

Here is the reason why Montana is known as the Big Sky state

We had a church picnic and they served ice cream out of a gutter for all to share. Skyler got a face paint and became a clown for a couple days. He had Casey just a hootin' and hollerin' at his clownin'.

Sequoia sure is getting big. Isn't she pretty?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Concert on the Lake

Here we are at Stillwater Lake in Whitefish, MT. Everyday Prophets played a private show 100 people by invitation. We just showed up and camped. It was pretty awesome on the lake watching the concert and the sunset and enjoying the great outdoors.

Skyler and Casey just LOVE playing together

I just love to play (torment) Casey. Can't you see how much fun I have doing it? I spend most of my days just hanging out and making Casey cry. But other times I can really get him rolling (laughing). We are two of a kind.

Casey Sure is getting Big

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Here are some pictures to go along with our vacation story...

After a long journey we finally made it to Montana May 27th.

R U ready to take that journey with us???

Here We Go.......

Mom and Joe visited us just before we left Jackson, here are a few pictures from their visit


We started off April 30th and went to Salt Lake. Spent a couple days there with Cammie and said good bye to our pet gerbal Gus Gus who is being cared for by Aunt Pearl, Armani, and Angel (THKS Pearl) then down to St. George. We explored the red rocks for the day then we went to Las Vegas to see sister Diana and Blake reicieve a blessing.

On May 4th

We showed up to the church 20 minutes late, right after the blessings were finished. Then we spent time with the family and Diana and Kelli for the night. Blake is such a cute baby, not as cute as Casey though.



We drove up State Road 95 towards Death Valley and ended up taking a scenic route off towards Scotty's Castle in Death Valley National Park and turning around 10 or so miles to head back to the 95. Then we took the 266 West towards Bishop, CA, went South on the 168, then North on the 395 and we camped out near Toms Place, CA. We drove out the next morning.

May 7th

We drove up the 395 the cut off to the 89 towards Markleeville, we stopped for lunch and a soak in the Markleeville hot springs (highly recommended). That afternoon we drove on through Lake Tahoe and spent the night near Marysvale, then over to Ukiah and up the 1.

May 8th-11th (ABALONE WEEKEND)

We spent a few days on the ocean near Fort Bragg where it was windy and wet. We met some RVers that were cooking up some abalone chowder (like clam chowder) and we had dinner with them. Casey got his first taste of some real food and loved it so much that we ended up wearing it. Skyler made friends with all our camping neighbors and came home (to camp) with two big abalone shells. (the ones that are all shiny and colorful inside). We took a family nap down off the cliffs on the beach and enjoyed the sounds of the ocean. It was a nice break from all the driving and moving camp.


then to the US 20 to the 299 West over to Redding where we spent time in a little Hippi-eco village for a couple days, soaked in the hot springs near Big Bend. We made a lot of new friends and enjoyed some good times. (HEY GUYS!!!)

We lost track of the days from there...

Maybe Thursday May 15th (SWEAT LODGE)

We drove up I-5 from Redding towards Oregon with our new friend Moonflower. We stopped in Mount Shasta and camped out a few days at the Budha hole. While we were there, we visited an indian sweat lodge in Weed, CA. The sweat lodge was on the property of a nude resort, Stewart Springs. This was a great place of relaxation, there was soft instrumental music playing, mists of water on the deck, nude sun bathing, mineral baths inside the bath house, massages, a sauna, and a store where you could buy oils and incences as well as other items. (MOM, you would have loved this place). Even little Casey loved the sweat, that was until the loud hollering took place and scared him. It was really spiritual and the indian who lead the sweat prayed so powerfully. I believe that this was just the way God wanted to spend the day with us. I guess the sweats were more of a healing room for this particular tribe. ??

Saturday & Sunday May 17th -18th (CALIFORNIA to OREGON)

From there we went back to camp in Mt Shasta and spent the night. We woke up the next morning and went to church with a guy that we met at camp at a Borean church in Weed. From there we headed North toward Oregon.


We drove all day til we hit Ashland, we stopped at Lithia Park and locked ourselves out of the jeep. Well it was almost dinner time and we were just taking a break and we found out that the local churches were serving a community dinner for the homeless and community at 4pm so we were fed and fellowshiped with the people in Ashland. It was pretty awesome. In the meantime the locksmith came to unlock our doors. We spent the rest of the evening in the park and hiked to the Fairy Ponds which were covered in water because the water level was so high from all the rain and runoff.


We then dove another 40+ miles North to Grants Pass where our new friends and Moonflower's friends Ali and Bob and their girls Lizzy (Elizabeth) and Willow, two beautiful twins. These were one of the most generous, loving people we have ever met. Ali cooked us some great meals, not to mention that by now we hadn't had a real home cooked meal in quite some time. But even better, she had made it veggitarian for Moonflower and we were really laking some fresh veggies. Just the salad had everything you could ever think of putting in a salad plus a few extras. (Ali, if you read this I would like some of your recipes). I think we had spaghetti. She didn't stop there. She had cooked a huge sit-down meal for just about every meal we were there. We spent time with them in the night of Oregon looking into the stars from their lovely home, swam in their hot tub and just really enjoyed our experience there so much that we really considered settling down. Ryan started looking for work and a place to rent. We camped in Valley of the Rogue State Park (right on the famous, so they say) Rogue River. It sure rained alot. We managed to stay dry between staying at Ali and Bob's and our tent. It sure was a good time. THANKS Bob and Ali!!!

May 23rd

Well, we were kind of tired of the gas prices and spending all our money and we had decided we'd better finish what we started and that was make it over to Montana to see Jared, Mandy, and Panda. So we packed up our camp and started driving. We drove and drove til we hit Portland, we though once about staying there but we went looking for a camp and ended up driving too far outside to go back to look for work. It was Memorial weekend and camping was hard to find, plus we ended us having to turn around from one camp we had set out for because it was a State Park (NO DOGS ALLOWED) so we ended up in the gorge on the I-84 and camped at a KOA. They had SHOWERS YEAH!!!


We drove out the next day towards Spokane and on the I-90 East through Idaho and drove and drove til we made it to MONTANA. We tried camping at Wildhorse Hot Springs but it was like 10pm and no one was around to tell us if we could camp or not. So we drove North and ended up a Flathead lake campground. We were tired and pitched camp and fell asleep.

We woke up to the best view. It was flathead lake. We spent the next day collecting neat rocks on the shore and enjoying the peace of making it to our destination. About 20 miles north from there was where we are today.

watch for more info...

Monday, July 28, 2008

A day at Tally Lake

Well, what can we say? Our kids just love the water. I couldn't keep Casey out of the water. He wanted to take off to the deep without me. Skyler, he just loves to hang out with his little bro' and the girls of course.

Here they are at the skate park. Skyler just loves to try new tricks. He left his skateboard in storage but, that doesn't stop him from getting in there and skateboarding. He just makes friends with those who will share with him.

Casey got in his nap for the day. We love to spend time in the park while dad is at work.

Skyler talks on the phone, boy is he cool. Then little bro' has to try it too. Always looking up to the big Sky'

Monday, July 14, 2008

We are Settling in!!!

We'll we finished the roof and floor of our new home and we are very excited to be finally settling in, for now, Montana. We just moved the Winnebago up the mountain to Tally Lake. We have a beautiful yard with plenty of peace and quiet.

We also just got a new camera and are taking as many pictures as we can to make up for lost time. Please check back soon. We love to share this time with you. We wish we could spend the time with you in person but, since we can't we'll share these words and pictures. Don't mind them being disorganized, I'll get to that part later. I just couldn't wait sharing them.

Hope to visit you all soon.

The Montana Watts

Friday, July 4, 2008

Brenda's baby, Garrett

Here is the newest member of the baby's from Jill's sisters, one more to go (KELLI) his name is Garrett, born July first around 4pm. Brenda made out like a champ with only two hours of heavy labor. Way to go Bren!!! Well, it's the 4th of July and we are getting ready to go to Hot Springs, MT for the weekend, so I must go and pack...

Happy Independence Day! remember why we celebrate, FREEDOM. Some people have very little freedom but GOD gives the fullest to the meaning of the "Life of Freedom". God really does BLESS AMERICA.

Love all, Jill

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Winnebago

Well, some of you have been hearing about this convertable that we have. Here are a few pictures to help jog the imagination.

There will be more to come but the roof is almost complete now. Don't worry, it's just a phase...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We Made It!!!

After a long journey we finally made it to Montana May 27th.

R U ready to take that journey with us???

Here We Go.......


We started off April 30th and went to Salt Lake. Spent a couple days there with Cammie and said good bye to our pet gerbal Gus Gus who is being cared for by Aunt Pearl, Armani, and Angel (THKS Pearl) then down to St. George. We explored the red rocks for the day then we went to Las Vegas to see sister Diana and Blake reicieve a blessing.

On May 4th

We showed up to the church 20 minutes late, right after the blessings were finished. Then we spent time with the family and Diana and Kelli for the night. Blake is such a cute baby, not as cute as Casey though.


We drove up State Road 95 towards Death Valley and ended up taking a scenic route off towards Scotty's Castle in Death Valley National Park and turning around 10 or so miles to head back to the 95. Then we took the 266 West towards Bishop, CA, went South on the 168, then North on the 395 and we camped out near Toms Place, CA. We drove out the next morning.

May 7th

We drove up the 395 the cut off to the 89 towards Markleeville, we stopped for lunch and a soak in the Markleeville hot springs (highly recommended). That afternoon we drove on through Lake Tahoe and spent the night near Marysvale, then over to Ukiah and up the 1.

May 8th-11th (ABALONE WEEKEND)

We spent a few days on the ocean near Fort Bragg where it was windy and wet. We met some RVers that were cooking up some abalone chowder (like clam chowder) and we had dinner with them. Casey got his first taste of some real food and loved it so much that we ended up wearing it. Skyler made friends with all our camping neighbors and came home (to camp) with two big abalone shells. (the ones that are all shiny and colorful inside). We took a family nap down off the cliffs on the beach and enjoyed the sounds of the ocean. It was a nice break from all the driving and moving camp.


then to the US 20 to the 299 West over to Redding where we spent time in a little Hippi-eco village for a couple days, soaked in the hot springs near Big Bend. We made a lot of new friends and enjoyed some good times. (HEY GUYS!!!)

We lost track of the days from there...

Maybe Thursday May 15th (SWEAT LODGE)

We drove up I-5 from Redding towards Oregon with our new friend Moonflower. We stopped in Mount Shasta and camped out a few days at the Budha hole. While we were there, we visited an indian sweat lodge in Weed, CA. The sweat lodge was on the property of a nude resort, Stewart Springs. This was a great place of relaxation, there was soft instrumental music playing, mists of water on the deck, nude sun bathing, mineral baths inside the bath house, massages, a sauna, and a store where you could buy oils and incences as well as other items. (MOM, you would have loved this place). Even little Casey loved the sweat, that was until the loud hollering took place and scared him. It was really spiritual and the indian who lead the sweat prayed so powerfully. I believe that this was just the way God wanted to spend the day with us. I guess the sweats were more of a healing room for this particular tribe. ??

Saturday & Sunday May 17th -18th (CALIFORNIA to OREGON)

From there we went back to camp in Mt Shasta and spent the night. We woke up the next morning and went to church with a guy that we met at camp at a Borean church in Weed. From there we headed North toward Oregon.


We drove all day til we hit Ashland, we stopped at Lithia Park and locked ourselves out of the jeep. Well it was almost dinner time and we were just taking a break and we found out that the local churches were serving a community dinner for the homeless and community at 4pm so we were fed and fellowshiped with the people in Ashland. It was pretty awesome. In the meantime the locksmith came to unlock our doors. We spent the rest of the evening in the park and hiked to the Fairy Ponds which were covered in water because the water level was so high from all the rain and runoff.


We then dove another 40+ miles North to Grants Pass where our new friends and Moonflower's friends Ali and Bob and their girls Lizzy (Elizabeth) and Willow, two beautiful twins. These were one of the most generous, loving people we have ever met. Ali cooked us some great meals, not to mention that by now we hadn't had a real home cooked meal in quite some time. But even better, she had made it veggitarian for Moonflower and we were really laking some fresh veggies. Just the salad had everything you could ever think of putting in a salad plus a few extras. (Ali, if you read this I would like some of your recipes). I think we had spaghetti. She didn't stop there. She had cooked a huge sit-down meal for just about every meal we were there. We spent time with them in the night of Oregon looking into the stars from their lovely home, swam in their hot tub and just really enjoyed our experience there so much that we really considered settling down. Ryan started looking for work and a place to rent. We camped in Valley of the Rogue State Park (right on the famous, so they say) Rogue River. It sure rained alot. We managed to stay dry between staying at Ali and Bob's and our tent. It sure was a good time. THANKS Bob and Ali!!!

May 23rd

Well, we were kind of tired of the gas prices and spending all our money and we had decided we'd better finish what we started and that was make it over to Montana to see Jared, Mandy, and Panda. So we packed up our camp and started driving. We drove and drove til we hit Portland, we though once about staying there but we went looking for a camp and ended up driving too far outside to go back to look for work. It was Memorial weekend and camping was hard to find, plus we ended us having to turn around from one camp we had set out for because it was a State Park (NO DOGS ALLOWED) so we ended up in the gorge on the I-84 and camped at a KOA. They had SHOWERS YEAH!!!


We drove out the next day towards Spokane and on the I-90 East through Idaho and drove and drove til we made it to MONTANA. We tried camping at Wildhorse Hot Springs but it was like 10pm and no one was around to tell us if we could camp or not. So we drove North and ended up a Flathead lake campground. We were tired and pitched camp and fell asleep.

We woke up to the best view. It was flathead lake. We spent the next day collecting neat rocks on the shore and enjoying the peace of making it to our destination. About 20 miles north from there was where we are today.

watch for more info...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We're OFF!!!

Well we are off to a new adventure today. We will be leaving Jackson Hole and heading south to Utah. a couple of stops to see friends and family and we'll be headed towards the West Coast. We'll travel for a while and camp and see God's beauty in all that He's created. Hope to see you all soon... The plan is to settle in Montana somewhere.

Keep in touch 307-699-0520 or email 10008421@uvlink.uvu.edu

Love you all... The Watts Family

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Did you see that?

Wow! how fast the kids grow. We love every minute of it. Here are the newest pics added to the sight. Hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy them (the kids, NOT the pics).

Love the Watts Family

Friday, April 4, 2008

We miss you all!

We are really missing all our friends and family all the time. We hope to see you soon. Here are just a few of the good times that we have had this year and also Skyler as he is growing up so big. I just couldn't resist comparing Casey and Skyler's pictures. Having Casey around is like having Skyler all over again. See for yourself, they are so alike in so many ways. From smiles and laughs to crys and toots. They are really a joy to have. Casey however is going to be a lot more mellow in personality. Skyler is definately the energy in our home.

Til next time...

Love you all...

Ryan, Jill, Skyler and Casey ...and our pup Sequioa

Monday, March 24, 2008

Here we are!

Today in Jackson Hole... Tomorrow... Who knows where we will end up. But as for now we are trying to keep in touch with the world and our friends and family. So we will try to keep this page updated for all to see us grow...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hey, here is our little bundle Casey J. Watts.  We have enjoyed the addition to our family and want to share every moment with everyone.