WELCOME Sweet Karlee!!!

WELCOME Sweet Karlee!!!

The Family

Karlee Kay Watts

Karlee Kay Watts
Born 12/31/09; 7 lbs, 3 oz; 19 1/2 in

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here we GROW!!!

Wow! It seems like yesterday I was changing Skyler's diapers and now he is going into second grade and almost taller than me (Jill). Here is Casey's first experience of feeding himself. I think he enjoyed it way too much! Then he got really upset. It was a blast to watch him have at it like this.

Here is more of Big bro and little bro hanging out together. How they enjoy each other. Skyler can really get Casey rolling in laughter, it is great to see them love each other sooo much!

We went to the fair and watched a concert (Jeremy Camp) a Christian rock band, then Skyler rode the scrambler. It was dark but you can make it out a little. He is quite the adventure seeking child and he loves a good carnival.

Here is Casey's standing up all by himself, he did attempt it once before, he tried to pull himself up next to the boat while it was on the ground at the concert on the lake. I put him next to this toy to play with the parts that he could reach, he wasn't satisfied with the lower portion of the toy and just had to see what was up above. He is so strong.

We wanted to go and find huckleberries last Sunday, but we wanted to save gas so we parked at a lower spot and went for a hike. we didn't get high enough to find the berries but we did find out that there is a lot of mountains in Montana. The view that we ended up with was incredible. Here are some of the flowers and berries that we did find on our hike.

Here is the reason why Montana is known as the Big Sky state

We had a church picnic and they served ice cream out of a gutter for all to share. Skyler got a face paint and became a clown for a couple days. He had Casey just a hootin' and hollerin' at his clownin'.

Sequoia sure is getting big. Isn't she pretty?

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