WELCOME Sweet Karlee!!!

WELCOME Sweet Karlee!!!

The Family

Karlee Kay Watts

Karlee Kay Watts
Born 12/31/09; 7 lbs, 3 oz; 19 1/2 in

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Casey's a growin' And Skyler ain't slowin'

Here is Skyler trying our his flying in the wagon. I had to have him reenact it for me to take pictures. He is such a creative kid always trying something new.

Casey is a hoot! This is how he drinks from a cup, by sticking his whole face in the cup til the liquid reaches his mouth.

Here he is drinkin' milk, as you can see he gets right into the cup, he pauses in that position while he gulps it down, then comes up for air. The whole process is quite time consuming. I have to hold onto the ccup real tight or he gets too excited and knocks it out of my hands.

Here is Casey fixin' (well, maybe eatin') the tire on the Jeep. he is getting so big and climbing on everything.

I made the mistake of giving Casey a chocolate cookie, but the biggest mistake was dippin' it into milk before handing it to him. It basically melted into his mouth and face in onw quick shove. See for yourself. He got a sugar rush then he crashed pretty hard.

Here is the kids at our friend Panda's birthday party, Casey just loved the decorations and the kids said that this was the funnest party ever! Casey just couldn't get ahold of the balloons.

Here is Skyler and Casey playin'. Casey's shirt got stuck on his head so I just tied it there. It was pretty cute, at the end you can see that they both got worn out! Skyler is such a great character.


Brenda said...

No kidding...I can't believe how much they have changed...we sure miss having you guys around. Hopefully we will see you soon...maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas? By then Casey will be a year...how about a birthday party? Love and miss you guys

Doris said...

Wow, it's been awhile. Thanks for keeping us posted. Hope you're enjoying Montana. We miss you being the Wyoming Watts.