WELCOME Sweet Karlee!!!

WELCOME Sweet Karlee!!!

The Family

Karlee Kay Watts

Karlee Kay Watts
Born 12/31/09; 7 lbs, 3 oz; 19 1/2 in

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Casey's 1st Birthday!!!

Well, I can't believe it happened, Casey is 1 years old today. Wow what a milestone! How the time flies when you're chasing a baby. I haven't been able to download pictures yet but they are coming. We celebrated by having cake. Casey has 6-7 teeth now and starting to bite a bit. He is taking a few steps but, he prefers to crawl, he'll be smarter they say. His first tooth broke through on October 20th, the day before Skyler's 8th Birthday. His first word was "Hi", he kind of pronounced it like "HA!" Other words he says are: Dada, DD (or Doggy), Mumumu (or Mommy). Skyler is such a big helper and growing way too quickly. We miss you all and hope to see you soon. Happy Birthday Casey!!!

Watch for upcoming pictures...

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday Casey!!! We love and miss you! We are so sad that we have missed so much of your first year but we are glad we can keep up with your milestones...We love you guys and miss you so much. Glad to hear things are going well and you will be safe and warm now that it is winter.